Investigating The Impact Of Transition To Drip Irrigation By Sugarcane Farmers
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M. Tech Project -II (TD 696)
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Watershed development is been in practice in India for more than two decades. Scientific
studies and literature has been devising and revising guidelines for the implementation of the
same. It suggests importance of popular participation in watershed development activities in
making it successful. Over last three years Maharashtra has seen two major watershed
development initiatives being launched pan Maharashtra. One by Government of Maharashtra
and another by Paani Foundation viz. Jalyukt Shivar Abhiyan and Water Cup respectively.
Both these programs have been very vocal about people’s participation in implementation of
it, but have reported some contradicting outputs. This research is a humble attempt to
understand, when people participate, or do not, how it influences the output of WSD program
in their village. It also attempts to understand how training and capacity building influences
the outputs of WSD program implementation in their villages. It was found that people’s
participation ensured that benefits of the WSD program are more distributed and not restricted
to only a few privileged in the village. While training helped villagers develop scientific
understanding of the nature of problem and gave them confidence that they can address their
problem of their own.