India has a rich but vulnerable natural environment. However, mainstream Indian media does not widely report on it. Multimedia journalism leveraging digital tools can help diverse audiences engage with complex environmental and science-based topics. Scientific research can also be visualised through multimedia, building a science and society connection. The session will explore some examples of such storytelling. Researchers can also use digital tools to communicate their work to the public. We'll also discuss approaches to collaboration between researchers and journalists. How does it engage audiences? How does it make the story impactful? What should one be cautious about?
Kartik Chandramouli is a multimedia editor and journalist based in Mumbai. At Mongabay-India, he leads multimedia initiatives to produce visual and audio stories on climate change, renewable energy, natural resources, biodiversity, etc. He commissions and coordinates with collaborators across India to develop videos, podcasts, photo stories, maps, illustrations and other products to increase the understanding of the country's environment. Till five years ago, he worked in the design and films department in digital advertising.