Ms. Vitasta Raina will present her APS as per the detail below:
Date: Friday, 10th February, 2023
Time: 1530 - 1700 hrs.
Venue: CTARA Conference Room No.1
Title: Housing in Peri-Urban Villages-Literature Review
Supervisor: Prof. Pankaj Sekhsaria
RPC Members: Prof. Himanshu Burte and Prof. Satish B. Agnihotri
Caste remains a persistent social reality in cities and rural areas in India. Studying literature at the confluence of caste and space becomes important because the complex social practices of caste express themselves spatially and influence the spatial order of built-environments and thus, the lived experiences of inhabitants. Caste-based spatial segregation leads to discrimination in access to educational, health and employment opportunities. Housing plays a decisive role in segregation practices, and social housing programmes in India and globally, perpetuate socio-spatial segregation and discrimination through various factors. In India, housing policies continue to display an inherent urban bias. Currently PMAY-G, the flagship social housing programme for rural areas in India is plagued by issues of lack of adequate provision for landless beneficiaries and of discrimination in beneficiary selection, most of whom belong to lower-caste groups. Thus, the caste question remains prominent in social housing programmes in India. Compounding issues of lack of land for housing in peri-urban contexts are the activated volatile real-estate markets, which have led to further marginalization of lower-caste groups. This report presents a detailed literature review for caste, space and housing in rural India, and attempts to question the adequacy of social housing programmes in peri-urban contexts.