Science and Technology Studies; S&T visioning and policy making; Technology, Society and Development; History of Technology; Environment and development; Citizen Science, Wildlife conservation, Island studies, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Media studies
- PhD Thesis title: ‘Enculturing Innovation – Indian engagements with nanotechnology’, Department of Technology and Society Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University, the Netherlands, 2016
- MA – Mass Communication Mass Communication Research Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India, 1997
- BE- Mechanical Engg Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, University of Poona, Pune, Maharashtra, India Feb 1994 Courses in Engineering that included Thermodynamics, Electrical Engg, Engg. Drawing, etc
- TD 626: Technology, Society and Development
- PS 612: Science and Technology Policy
- TD 899: Communication Skills
- Associate Professor (Dec 2018 onwards), Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA), IIT Bombay
- Senior Project Scientist (Apr 2017 - Nov 2018), DST - Centre for Policy Research, IIT Delhi
- Assistant Professor (Sept 2004 - May 2005), Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Hyderabad
- Sekhsaria, P. 2021. Conservation Kaleidoscope - A compilation of editorials and news from the Protected Area Update (1996 - 2021), Kalpavriksh, Duleep Matthai Nature Conservation Foundation and Authors Upfront.
- Sekhsaria, P. and Thayyil N. 2022 (Forthcoming). First Steps - Citizen Science in ecology in India (with Naveen Thayyil), DST Centre for Policy Research, IIT Delhi and Authors Upfront
- Sekhsaria, P 2020. Nanoscale: Society's deep impact on science, technology and innovation in India, Authors Upfront, New Delhi, pp 182, ISBN: 9387280705;
- In Dialogue - Science, Scientists and Society:;
- In The Hindu:;
- In
- Sekhsaria, P. (Editor) 2019. The State of Wildlife and Protected Areas in Maharashtra: News and Information from the Protected Area Update 1996-2015, Rainfed Books, Chennai, Kalpavriksh and The Duleep Matthai Nature Conservation Foundation, pp 248, 100 line illustrations, ISBN: 8192326934;
- Sekhsaria, P. 2019. Instrumental Lives – an intimate biography of an Indian Laboratory, Routledge, pp 148, ISBN: 0367856298;
- Sekhsaria P. 2019. Islands in flux – the Andaman and Nicobar story, Harper Litmus India;
- Sekhsaria, P. (Editor). 2013. The State of Wildlife in Northeast India: (1996-2011) – A compilation of news from Protected Area Update, Foundation for Ecological Security, India;
- Sekhsaria, P. and Pandya, V. (Editors). 2010. The Jarawa Tribal Reserve Dossier – Cultural and Biological Diversities in the Andaman Islands Kalpavriksh, Pune & UNESCO, Paris;
- Sekhsaria, P. 2003. Troubled Islands: Writings on the environment and indigenous peoples of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands LEAD India and Kalpavriksh
- Sekhsaria, P. 2021. Waiting for Turtles (Illustrated story book for children; illustrations by Vipin Sketchplore), Karadi Tales pp 32;
- Sekhsaria, P. 2021. Kachuon ka intezaar (Waiting for Turtles in translation in Hindi), Karadi Tales, pp 32 (also available in Telugu)
- Sekhsaria, P. 2014. The Last Wave: An Island novel, Harper Collins India;
- Sekhsaria, P. 2018. Koneya Ale (The Last Wave in translation in Kannada), Navakarnataka Publications;
Book Chapters
- Sekhsaria, P. 2022 (Forthcoming). Frugality and jugaad in Indian science: Evidence from an Indian laboratory in Beers, C. van, Bhaduri, S., Knorringa, P., & Leliveld, A. (Eds) Handbook on Frugal Innovation. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Sekhsaria, P. 2020. A Brahmos in the Emerald Islands in A Rahmani & K Gore (Eds), Saving India's Wilderness: Challenges and Solutions. Corbett Foundation, Mumbai
- Khandekar, A., Beumer, K., Mamidipudi, A, Sekhsaria, P. and Bijker, W. 2017. STS for development in CA Miller, U Felt & L. Smith-Doerr (Eds), The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (2017), MIT Press (co-author with
- Sekhsaria, P. 2013. The making of an indigenous STM: Technological Jugaad as a Culture of Innovation in India in Konrad, Kornelia, Christopher Coenen, Anne Dijkstra, Colin Milburn, and Harro van Lente (Eds.), Shaping Emerging Technologies: Governance, Innovation, Discourse, Berlin: IOS Press / AKA
- Sekhsaria, P. 2012. Deforestation in the Andaman and Nicobar – Its impact on Onge in Indira Munshi (Editor), The Adivasi Question, Issues of Land, Forest and Livelihood, Orient Blackswan and Economic and Political Weekly
Peer Reviewed Journals
- Sekhsaria, P and Thayyil N. 2022 (Forthcoming). ‘Citizen Science’ in ecology in India: How it is shaping up? Where is it headed? Dialogue, Scientists and Society.
- Deora, S and Sekhsaria, P. 2022. Conceptualising Small Watersheds as Infrastructures of Immobility to Address Distress induced Rural-Urban Migration in India. Environment and History 28(1): 9-16; DOI:10.3197/096734022X16384451127221
- Sekhsaria, P. and Thayyil N. 2019. Narratives of Technology and Society Visioning in India (Editor's notes). Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 54. No. 34, p. 39-40;
- Sekhsaria, P and Thayyil N. 2019. Technology Vision 2035: visions, technologies, democracy and the citizen. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 54, No. 34, p. 64-69;
- Narayan, T. and Sekhsaria P. 2019. Media reporting on protected areas in Maharashtra, India: A thematic analysis. Journal of Threatened Taxa 11(2);
- Sekhsaria, P. 2018. The A&N islands are not an ‘empty space’. Ecology, Economy and Society, Vol. 1, No. 1;
- Sekhsaria, P. and Thayyil N, 2017. Visions for India: public participation, debate and the S&T community. Current Science, Vol. 113, No. 10, p. 1835-40;
- Sekhsaria, P. 2017. How Users Configure Producer Identities – Dilemmas of Retinoblastoma treatment in India. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. LII (40), p. 57-64;
- Sekhsaria, P. 2014. An Identity- Card on the wall: Identities in flux and ethics of technology change. Economic and Political Weekly Vol. XLIX (34), p. 65-69;
- Sekhsaria, P. 2013. Tribal reserves, IBAs, and bird conservation: The unique case of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Indian Birds, Vol. 8 (4), 85-90;
- Sekhsaria, P. 2013. The making of an indigenous scanning tunneling microscope. Current Science, Vol. 104 (9);
- Sekhsaria, P. 2009. When Chanos chanos became tsunami macchi: The post-December 2004 scenario in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 106 (3);
- Sekhsaria, P. 2007. Conservation in India and the Need to Think Beyond ‘Tiger vs. Tribal’. Biotropica, Volume 39 Issue 5 Page 575-577;
- Sekhsaria, P. 2006. Andaman’s Tribal Reserves: Protecting Forests, Biodiversity and the Indigenous peoples. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 103 (2&3)
- Sekhsaria, P. 2001. Deforestation in Andaman and Nicobar: Its impact on Onge. Economic and Political Weekly, 22/09/2001;
- Sekhsaria, P. 2001. Illegal logging and Deforestation in Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India: The Story of Little Andaman Island. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, Hathworth Press & Food Products Press, USA, Volume 19, Nos. 1/2/3;
Book Reviews
- - Reaching out to the Past, Conservation and Society Review: Review of The Nicobar Islands - Cultural Choices in the Aftermath of the Tsunami bu Simron Jit Singh and Oliver Lehman,. Czernin Verlag, 2006;;year=20...
- - Shifting Ground, Effectively and convincingly, The Book Review: Review Of Shifting Ground: People, Animals and Mobility in India’s Environmental History Edited By Mahesh Rangarajan And K. Sivaramakrishnan Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2014, Pp. 308;
[1] "Scrap to 'cutting-edge' scientific instrument to scrap - Attempting a 'commons' understanding of a modern scientific enterprise (With Shashank Deora)," (Un)doing the CommonShiv Nadar University, NOIDA, UP 2020-02-17
[2] "At the tri-junction of fragility and vulnerability - The story of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands," Interrogating Emerging Post-Pandemic Scenarios in Light of Covid-19Kazi Nazrul Islam Mahavidyalaya, Churulia, West Bengal (Online) 2020-09-10
[3] "Conservation vs Development Dilemma," Earth Mela organised by RD&SH National College and Sprouts Environment Trust Mumbai 2020-01-12
[4] "Marrying Research and Media for the Environment," astion Workshops on the Environment Online 2020-09-11
[5] "At the tri-junction of fragility and vulnerability - The story of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands," Man-Nature: Through the lens of eco-criticism, Organised by the Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College, New Delhi, New Delhi (Online) 2020-11-06
[6] "Climate Crisis, Manmade Disasters and the Future of Tourism," Climate Crisis, Manmade Disasters and the Future of Tourism organised by the Transforming Tourism Initiative, Online 2020-12-0 4
[7] "At the tri-junction of fragility and vulnerability - The story of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands," Invited Talk by Fridays for Future Youth Group Online 2020-08-20
[1] "Instrumental Lives - The lab as the site of a historical excavation: A presentation and a discussion with Prof Cyrus Mody (Maastricht University)," Archives Public Lecture Series, National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) BengaluruBengaluru (Online) 2020-05-15
[2] "Even at the Nanoscale - Society's Deep Impact on Science, Technology and Innovation in India ," ASET Forum, TIFR Mumbai Online 2020-10-09
[3] "Even at the Nanoscale - Society's Deep Impact on Science, Technology and Innovation in India," Paraspar, Office of Communications, Indian Institute of Science, BengaluruBengaluru (Online) 2020-10-19
- Sekhsaria, P. 2022. A Monumental Folly – Niti Aayog’s development plans for Great Nicobar Island, Kalpavriksh;
- Sekhsaria, P. and Thayyil, N. 2019. Citizen Science in India – An initial Mapping and Analysis, DST Centre for Policy Research, IIT Delhi; pp 84;
- Sekhsaria, P. 2010. Putting life on the front page - Biodiversity reporting guidelines, Inter Press Service, Rome; pp 30;
1. Amruta Shirpurkar
Title: Citizen Science for Policy and Policy for Citizen Science
2. Hariprasad VM (Co-Guide with NC Narayanan, IIT Bombay)
Title: Technology, Legality and Sanitation Work: The Evolution of Fecal waste management in Kerala (Tentative Title)
3. Shashank Deora
Title: Commoning and Infrastructuring of Watersheds (Tentative Title)
4. Gaurav Kapse (Co-Guide with Murali Sastry, Monash University)
Title: What does safe, affordable drinking water mean?