Office Phone: 
(022) 2256 7294
Research Interests: 

Thermal engineering and heat transfer, Product development, Energy efficiency and benchmarking, Solar energy, Social enterprise, Technology for rural MSME (Micro small medium enterprises), Biogas / biomass systems 

  • Ph. D. (Energy Science), IIT Bombay, Mumbai
  • M. Tech. (Energy Science), IIT Bombay, Mumbai
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Marathwada University, Aurangabad
Courses Taught: 
  • TD 615: Rural enterprises  
  • TD 607: Energy sources and Their Utilization (Few lectures on selected topics)  
  • TD620 : MEME (Micro Small and Medium Enterprise) in Rural Areas 
  •  A.T.E. Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., Pune
    Position: General Manager - Corporate R&D, Clean Technology
    Inventor and developer of solar thermal concentrator (dish type) for process heat application, successful commercial launch for community cooking and commercial laundries in western India.
  • EcoAxis Systems Pvt. Ltd., Pune
    Position: Deputy General Manager - Engineering Analysis and Design
    Developed IoT (Internet of Things) solutions for industrial equipment and processes like cooling towers, boilers, vapour absorption chillers, diesel generator, stenters, municipal water pumping, compressed air system etc for performance tracking and fault diagnostics.
  • Thermax Energy Performance Services Ltd (TEPS), Pune
    Position: Senior Member - Energy Solutions
    Energy and resource conservation solutions for industries with performance guarantee on energy cost reduction measures across different sectors as an ESCO (Energy Services Company)



Awarded with CRISP (Chevening Rolls-Royce Science and Innovation Leadership) Fellowship to study at Oxford university, this is sponsored by Government of UK and Rolls-Royce 2017
‘POLADI PURUSH’ (‘man of steel’): For contributing towards self-initiated path through societal contribution, 2015


 Patents applied

  1. Pressurized hot water storage

  2. A steam generating assembly in solar concentrator

  3. Jaggery processing furnace

  4. Systems for lowering and raising of reflector and tilting of receiver of solar concentrator

  5. Apparatus for heat loss characterization of solar receivers

  6. Paraboloidal solar concentrator

Journal and book publications 

  1. Damani B., Sardeshpande, V. R., Social Change Using Innovation and Technology Technology, Innovation and Social Change Ed. Mujumdar S., Guha S., Marakkath N, Mumbai, Springer 2015, pp 125-142

  2. Rao, B., Rao, A.B., Mane, A., Sardeshpande, V., Multi-criteria analysis of alternative biogas technologies for India`s sustainable development, Energy Procedia, 54, 2014, pp 292–301

  3. Sardeshpande, V. R., U. N. Gaitonde, Rangan Banerjee, Methodology for indirect determination of air and flue-gas leakage in a typical glass furnace in India Glass Technology, 54 (6), 2013, pp 233-241

  4. Sardeshpande, V. R.; Patil V., Murali C., Test apparatus for performance evaluation of compressed air end-use applications Open Journal of Energy Efficiency, 2 (1), 2013, pp 29-33

  5. Sardeshpande, V. R.; Pillai I. R, Effect of micro-level and macro-level factors on adoption potential of solar concentrators for medium temperature thermal applications, Energy for Sustainable Development, 16 (2), 2012, pp 216–223

  6. Sardeshpande, V. R., Renil Anthony, U. N. Gaitonde, Rangan Banerjee, Analysis of glass furnace regenerator for performance estimation, Applied Energy, 88, 2011, pp 4451-4458

  7. Sardeshpande, V. R.; Chandak, A. G., Pillai I. R., Procedure for thermal performance evaluation of steam generating point-focus solar concentrators, Solar Energy, 85, 2011, pp 1390–1398

  8. Sardeshpande, V. R.; Shendage, D. J., Pillai I. R., Thermal performance evaluation of a four pan jaggery processing furnace for improvement in energy utilization, Energy, 35, 2010, pp 4740 to 4747

  9. Sardeshpande, V. R., U. N. Gaitonde, Rangan Banerjee, Model Based Energy Benchmarking for Glass Furnaces, Energy Conversion and Management, 48, 2007, pp 2718–2738

  10. Sardeshpande, V. R., Renil Anthony, U. N. Gaitonde, Rangan Banerjee, A. K. Goel, Energy Study of Glass Furnace, Kanch, A quarterly journal of the All India Glass Manufacturers Federation, 14, 4, 2007, pp 5-12

 Conference publications 

  1. Sardeshpande, V. R.; Sardeshpande M. V., Direct steam generation for process heat applications in compound parabolic collector (CPC), International Solar Energy Society Conference Proceedings, EuroSun 2016, 11 – 14 October 2016, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

  2. Sanober Hassan Khattak, Richard Greenough, Sardeshpande V.R. , Resource efficient manufacturing: can reduced energy efficiency lead to improved sustainability?, ECEEE 2014 Industry Summer Study; Arnhem, Netherlands; June-2014

  3. Damani B., Sardeshpande, V. R., Date A. W., Babu A.S., Understanding social entrepreneurship, International conference on ‘Revisiting management practices and research for sustainability’, February 22 – 23, 2013 at Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Sakharale, India

  4. Damani B., Sardeshpande, V. R., Date A. W., Babu A.S., Social Change Using Innovation and Technology, International conference on ‘Technology, innovation and social change’, January 22 – 24, 2013 at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India

  5. Rao, B., Rao, A.B., Mane, A., Sardeshpande, V., Multi-criteria analysis of alternative biogas technologies for India‘s sustainable development International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER) 2013, 10 - 12 December 2013, Mumbai.

  6. Pillai I. R.; Chandak, A. G.; Sardeshpande, V. R.; Somani, S. K., Methodology for performance evaluation of fixed focus moving solar concentrators, Proceedings of World Renewable Energy Congress - XI, September 25-30, 2010, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

  7. Sardeshpande, V. R.; Pillai I. R, Solar concentrator for industrial thermal application-Indian scenario, Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Solar Energy, July 15 - 17, 2010, in Banff, Alberta, Canada

  8. Ragini Agarwal, S. V. Kulkarni, B. K. Sahoo, Sardeshpande, V. R., Raghvendra Deshpande, Online Monitoring of Transformer A Case Study, Proceedings of 18th International conference on Transformers, January, 18-19, 2010, Mumbai, India

  9. Sardeshpande, V. R., I. R Pillai, Approach for Waste Heat Recovery from Standby DG Sets, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy Research, December 9-11, 2009, IIT Bombay, India, pp 421-426

  10. Sardeshpande, V. R., V. Dixit, A. Nalawade, Remote Monitoring-Tool for Energy Performance Tracking, Proceedings of 1st National Conference on Advances in Energy Research, December 4-5, 2006, IIT Bombay, India, pp 377-383

  11. Sardeshpande, V. R., U. N. Gaitonde, Rangan Banerjee, Indirect determination of air/flue-gas leakage in a glass furnace, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power December 7-9, 2006, IIT Bombay, India, pp 1-8

  12. Sardeshpande, V. R., Srinivasan, V., Prabhu, S. V., Arun, K. and R.P. Vedula, Influence of orientation angle on pressure distribution downstream of a high aspect ratio backward facing step in the presence of rotation, Proceedings of 37th American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Thermophysics conference , 28 June to 1 July, 2004, Portland, Oregon, USA


Workshop / conference / invited talk…

  • How engineering faculties can build their research aptitude

  • Faculty for EUREM training program in India

  • Simple and innovative ways to improve feasibility of solar PV systems

  • Sustainable living

  • Role of engineering colleges for local technology development

  • HVAC systems and benchmarking of industrial process

  • Role of engineering colleges for local technology development

  • How to make institute industry association fruitful

  • Concentrating solar energy for process heat project MNRE-UNDP Logical Framework Analysis (LFA)

  • Jaggery processing for KVIC

  • Energy efficiency and benchmarking of glass furnace