Non-milk based food supplement for MAM children (6-59 months)

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M. Tech Project -II (TD 696)
Health & Nutrition
Malnutrition in both forms- under-nutrition and over nutrition is a major heath burden worldwide. It is globally the most significant risk factor for illness and death, affecting mostly the pregnant and lactating mothers, young children and adolescents. Under-nutrition in India is associated with protein energy malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies or combination of both. Out of the two forms of under-nutrition- severe and moderate, moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) has higher global burden than severe acute malnutrition(SAM). Also solutions for MAM children can be tackled at the household / community level affordably and conveniently, while SAM requires hospitalized treatment. MAM children are also at increased risk of severe acute malnutrition, therefore by treating MAM, cases of progression to SAM will reduce. We explore here various options for nutrition supplement for the children which have a non-milk base. These options are sorted to find out the feasibility and affordability as there already exists milk based solutions for treatment of MAM. Food supplements of these kinds can cater partially to the daily energy and nutrient requirement of a malnourished child. Non milk based options are proposed keeping in mind the dietary requirements of a MAM child. Products are formulated catering to a specific age group of children mainly 6-59 months as this is a very crucial age of development and children starts taking complementary food after 6 months of age. Digestibility for age group 6-59 months has also been considered. The product design has also considered both nutrition and organoleptic factors. Challenges of the project lies in achieving affordability of the product, increasing shelf life and acceptability of the product among the malnourished children. The main objective is to develop a nutritious and safe supplementary product, yet affordable that caters to the requirement of moderate acute malnourished children. It involves determination of physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the food through nutrition profiling, sensory analysis, shelf life testing and microbial parameters. It emerges that the proposed product is superior to commercial products in terms of protein and calcium content. Based on the sensory evaluation and shelf life studies this product is quite acceptable and can be used for the treatment of MAM.