Name of Student Title Guidesort descending Co- Guide Sector Download
Ten Singh Value chain analysis of Mahua (Madhuca Indica) flower in Maharashtra Prof. Amit Arora Agriculture
Gawali Apeksha Chandrakant Development of a Small Scale Biomass Based Dryer for Horticulture Produce Prof. Amit Arora Agriculture
Omkar Ghatpande Analyzing Climate Change Action Plans At National, State And District Levels Prof. Anand B. Rao Environment Sustainability & Natural Resource Management
Ripunj Khadka Analyzing the Climate Climate Action Plan at National, Provincial and District Level in Nepal Prof. Anand B. Rao Environment Sustainability & Natural Resource Management
Omkar Ghatpande A Study On Climate Change Action Plans In India Prof. Anand B. Rao Environment Sustainability & Natural Resource Management
Ripunj Khadka Analyzing the Climate Action Plan at National, Provincial and District Level in Nepal Prof. Anand B. Rao Environment Sustainability & Natural Resource Management
Patil Bhagyashree Dnyaneshwar Food Shed Assessment for Urbanizing Blocks in a Metropolitan Region Prof. Bakul Rao Agriculture
Himanshu Shukla Selection of Sanitation Technology for Small Towns Prof. Bakul Rao Waste and Sanitation
Patil Bhagyashree Dnyaneshwar Establishing the Rural-Urban Environmental Linkages Prof. Bakul Rao Environment Sustainability & Natural Resource Management
Gouravaram Rupesh Economic models in agriculture: Case study of onion farming Prof. Milind A. Sohoni Agriculture
